Friday, May 25, 2012


Confession time: I am a Carbaholic! Yes, I said it, I don't mind not eating meat because I love me some carbs. And my favorite carb is some good ole' fashioned Bread! I like all bread...any bread....But I do have some favorites as well. I love a loaf or 2 from Carraba's, some sourdough from Panera, a Bagel straight from NYC, and I could just go with 3 loaves of the wonderful hot sourdough bread from Mitchel's Seafood Market...mmm yummy! Even though I love all these breads, my favorite, the love of my life, is the Bread of Life...Jesus!
"Yes, I am the bread of life!" John 6:48.  I can eat and eat and eat of Him and never get enough. I don't need to wash Him down with a glass of ice tea or add any butter, cream cheese, or salt (if you know me well enough you know what I mean). Jesus, the Bread of Life, is the best carb I could need or ever want. He is just enough, Perfect in Every Way (as Mary Poppins would say). He is flavored just right and always multiplying, never ending. I never need to beg for more bread because He is forever providing. I don't have to purchase Him because He gives of Himself freely. His bread won't give me love handles, a pooch in the front, or a lump in the rear. The only thing He adds to my life is eternal life. "I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh, offered so the world may live." John 6:51.
I have many friends and family that stay away from the dreaded carb, they like to stick to the Atkins diet with meat only, but in the eternal world meat alone is human effort. You have to raise the meat and kill the meat, but only the Spirit can give life. "It is the Spirit who gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." John 6:63. So, if your diet of human effort is leaving you starving, why don't you take a break, and try the Bread?

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