Alright now say it with me: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. This one verse has be said and resaid over the past couple of years, and so many people now have heard it. But let's not let that weaken it's worth and leverage. Can you even picture what this meant and means? Can you even imagine how much God loves us?
He is contantly giving us our every need, helping us when we can't even bear to lift our head off the pillow.He loves us through the muck and the mire, through the rain and the fire. God loves us so much that He sent His ONE and ONLY Son to this earth for us. And, "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it." John 3:17. Where other religions believe God sent someone to this earth to rid the world of people that don't follow their religion, God actually sent His Son to gather those that were lost. Before Christ we were all dieing in our sins, being buried to never rise again. God, however, had compassion on us and gave us just what we needed, a Savior!
God has loved all of us from creation. And if everyone could grasp that love they would surely believe in Him. This belief isn't a superficial belief, but a belief that encompasses full trust and confidence in Him. Knowing He will take care of our every need and allowing Him to lead our life.
Please ponder on these questions for a minute: If you have a great relationship with your earthly father don't you trust he will help you whenever you need Him? Don't you count His counsel as wise? Wouldn't you follow his advice to please him and show your love to him? This is the type of love we should have for God. Now think about the relationship and the love you have for your child or a special child in your life. Doesn't your heart yearn to give them the world? Don't you try and raise them up in the way they should go? Don't you love them so much that you would do whatever possible? This is the same type of love that God has for us.
He put His Son through torture to adopt us into His family. Isn't it time we start trusting Him fully, loving the way He loves us, and obeying His counsel? I no longer imagine the love He has for me....I know the love He has for me. And I have come Together with Him to Work with Him out of Love for Him.
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