Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Bandwagon Fan

From the time my first born was 2 until he was 6 he loved the Florida Gators. His dad (LSU Alumni) would get so upset and try and change his opinion, but Hunter stuck to his guns and cheered the Gators on. Then, as soon as the Gators lost Tebow and began losing games, Hunter's allegience turned. First, it was Auburn, then it was LSU, and then it was Alabama. Did you catch the trend? He was jumping from one bandwagon to the next of each winning team, and he would ride it as far as it would go.
Have you ever done this with your beliefs? Are you a bandwagon Christian? As long as it is the "It" thing to do, you will follow Christ, but when the tides turn you ride another wave?
After Jesus began performing miracles in Jerusalem many people jumped on the "Jesus Craze". They began following Him and praising Him and bringing others along with them. Jesus wasn't buying it, however, because He knew their heart. "But Jesus didn't trust them, because he knew what people were really like. No one needed to tell him about human nature." John 2:24-25.
It is out human nature to want to be part of the winning team. To want to show others we have chosen the best. But God wants us to choose what is right and good. God wants us to choose His Son not just with the shirts we wear, the bumper stickers we have, the crosses we wear, or the Bibles we carry, BUT with our whole heart. "And you must love the LORD your God with all of your heart, all your soul, and all your strength." Deuteronomy 6:5. Because when we follow God with only our flesh there has been no heart change, and we will eventually go back to whatever our hearts says.
Now I want you to be honest. Have you jumped onto the Jesus bandwagon or do you bleed Jesus? If you don't follow Christ with all of your heart, soul, and mind you will never feel the full redeeming power of Jesus. "What can wash away our sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."

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