Saturday, September 24, 2011

Whose Plans? His Plans!

"The Lord Almighty has sworn, "Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand." Isaiah 14:24.
I'm a planner. I like looking at a calendar and seeing what I have to do for the day. I don't like when my plans are changed. (Just ask my husband!) I'm not resistant, I just get frustrated. But no matter how much I plan, if it's not God's Will it won't work; my plan will change.
God is a planner too. He planned for Adam and Eve to live a peace filled life in the Garden of Eden. Satan disturbed those plans, and God threw Adam and Eve out of the garden. He sent them to die in a life of Sin, but He saw how wicked the earth was becoming. God set out on a second plan to wipe off everyone from the face of the earth except Noah and his family. Noah's family however became just as corrupt as before because they still had sin living within them. So, God made a 3rd plan; He began to form a nation out of Abraham, a nation that was to be obedient to Him, and all the world would come to God through this nation. Well, this plan would have worked if sin hadn't overcome obedience, so God made a final plan. He sent His Son to the earth to save all people through Him and to remove all of our sins forever through His death on the cross. God's plan was completed and Jesus saved us of our sins. God has already promised Jesus will come again and gather all of His chosen people to a new Heaven to complete His original plan.

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