Saturday, September 17, 2011

Be a modern day Robin Hood: Take from your riches and give to the poor.

"In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:19
In this day and age the world tells us that if we buy the bigger and better toy of the day we will have a happier life, and then as soon as we buy "It" there's something even newer and better than before. Before you know it you don't have enough space for all of your collection of things and Ikea is giving you even better cabinets to store it all. We never feel satisfied, and we never seem to have enough.
Today as I was studying for an upcoming speaking engagement, researching my topic "Treasures Stored", I began to realize how much God warned us of storing up things here on earth and how easily we can get attached to these earthly things. What we should really be doing is storing up our treasures in heaven because the things here on earth mean nothing eternally. We can receive treasures in heaven by loving others as He first loved us, sharing of what we have, and helping those who need help. We need to be a modern day Robin Hood and take from our riches and give to the poor.
Last night I was working at a festival telling others about the Florida Baptist Children's Homes. Many people were coming up to speak to me, but my eye caught the sight of a woman and small child who came up to see my booth. I could tell she was looking to see if I had anything for free and I began talking with her about her little boy. She had a really hard time speaking, but she was able to tell me her son was 5. (He looked about 3 years old by size.) He was in an old t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Without a doubt these people were homeless. As they walked away from my booth I watched them walk to the edge of the lake to gather a fish that was on the sidewalk. I looked a little closer and noticed a man on the edge of the lake casting a net for their dinner. I had no money, nothing worth anything in my possession, and no food to give. My heart was literally breaking right there for this family. Immediately I text my husband and asked him to bring something for this family. Even though at this time Brett and I are losing our own possessions, everything we once thought made us rich, I knew without a doubt these people needed our money more than we did. Last night instead of each of my family members having a separate meal we would just share one. I knew that the money we gave this homeless family wouldn't last long, but my heart wouldn't have been able to survive if we hadn't done something. That all just makes me wonder how others just walked on by.
If you are reading this you are rich enough to have a computer. If you have a computer you are probably living in a home. If you live in a home you have a roof over your head and walls around you to protect you. What are you doing with what you have? What are you doing for Christ? Be blessed by God by providing for the poor. "The king will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

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