Sunday, September 25, 2011

Suck up or Fill up?

"My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right." Proverbs 23:15-16
How awesome it is to think that our Heavenly Father will rejoice and be glad if we are wise and speak what is right.
I'm a people pleaser and always have been. When I was young, middle school actually, I was called a suck up, my feelings were beyond hurt. When all I was doing was trying to bring joy to others, my peers were viewing me in a negative way. But they were wrong because when you are a suck up you are trying to gain something from someone for the good deed you do, but when I am trying to please others it is because I want them to be happy. I do for others so that they can have joy, not so that I can gain anything. I'm not trying to suck up, I'm trying to fill up.
So when I am unwise and I make the wrong decisions or say the wrong thing, my heart will actually break;  I get so down on myself I feel horrible. In these instances I immediately go to prayer. I ask God to forgive me and then I try to figure out how I can rectify the situation. Usually it is as easy and as hard as just humbling myself and saying I'm sorry. Easy because it is 2 words, hard because we have made these 2 of the hardest words to say.
If only we could always do the right thing, be wise, and say truth; we would be bringing joy and gladness to our Father in Heaven. If we were wise and saying the right things we would be filling the world with God's joy, peace, and love, instead of sucking the joy, peace, and love from it. When Jesus left this earth He sent us the Holy Spirit to reside in us and the Spirit will give us wisdom, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; we just need to ask. Then we can fill up others and God will rejoice and be glad.

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