"Glory and honor to God forever and ever. He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God. Amen." 1 Timothy 1:17.
3000 people were saved at Pentecost. They went from not knowing Christ to fully believing, being baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit. But do you know what they did next? They began to fellowship and worship together.
"And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had." Acts 3:44. These new believers came from all different walks of life, beliefs, and nationalities to one family together, helping one another, encouraging each other, growing in a loving relationship, and worshiping as a congregation - the first church began. "They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the LORD's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the LORD added to their group those who were being saved." Acts 2:46-47. The new church met constantly, shared everything, worshiped together daily, met in each others homes consistently, shared meals with each other often, all while praising their great God and enjoying the unselfishness of all the people. And with all of this unselfish love and worship, God filled their church, constantly adding to the body of believers.
Is this the church today? We share if we are asked, but not always. We meet together at the church a few times a week, but not daily. We go to each others homes for small groups every once in a while, but not on a consistent basis. We share meals with each other at births, deaths, and special holidays or occasions, but not regularly and definitely not unannounced.
So what changed?
Instead of being Selfless believers we became a selfish church. If it doesn't benefit us we don't take part. We have gotten consumed with our time, our comfort, our life, and our ways that we have forgotten about the new life as a family of believers that Christ gave to us.
If we truly are following after Christ we must love like he loved, share like he shared, prayed as he prayed, worship as he worshiped, and fellowship as he fellowshipped. He taught the disciples how to live which is love while getting the "I" involved. They went from being disciples to becoming apostles by leading others by the example they were given. We as Christians must also lead by this same example. Our churches might not be open daily, but we can still meet constantly in our homes. We can still join together for worship, praise, and fellowship. We can still share everything including meals. We can still show unconditional love to one another, our brothers and sisters in Christ.
What's stopping you?
I needed this! Thank you for the motivation!!