"You are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:14-16
As I was praying this morning I went into a silent prayer where I just sit at the feet of Jesus allowing Him to speak to me. In this time, he revealed first to me an ocean with peaceful waves washing upward toward a mountain. As he guided me up the mountain there at the top was the 3 crosses, I'm guessing representing His death between the 2 criminals, the light between the darkness. There at the cross were people congregating and others coming up to the group already at the scene. These people seemed to be conversing and fellowshiping, discussing what had happened and telling the others. They looked as though they were praising their great God and Lord Jesus. Then it was revealed to me that the people that were already there were Jesus' disciples. They had already been in the presence of Christ and had gained wisdom from Him. He had given them the Holy Spirit and they had become the light of the mountain that was bringing others near, to learn and glean as well.
Those who are followers of Christ are disciples, they must be the light of this world like a city on a mountain for all to see, so that when others come to them to see the light they will see the Glory of our heavenly Father and praise His Great Name. We must let our good deeds shine out from us not in boastfulness, but in humbleness as the Spirit works from our inside out. We must do the work that God has called us to, reflecting the image of Jesus who already left the blueprint of what we should be like. For God was the Developer of the city, Jesus was the Foundation, the Holy Spirit is the Project manager, and we must be the Light.
As Jesus revealed himself to the disciples after the resurrection, they were hidden in a locked room. Essentially, they were hiding the light Jesus had left them with under the basket, but "He spoke to them again and said, "Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you." John 20:21. He said, go let your light shine out, stop hiding it behind these closed doors.
We as Jesus' followers, as disciples, are the light of the world (a very dark world); we can't hide it behind the doors of the church we must be the city on the mountain, and Jesus has told us to let our light shine out for the world to see. We must go and do as He has already done!
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