Monday, October 3, 2011

Grace is Given Freely, But Glory is Revealed through Work!

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10.
What good works are you doing right now?
God preplanned in advance to your creation for you to do a particular work for Him. He is Our Potter, Our Woodworker, Our Artist, Our Creator, and He formed each of us specially to do a good work. Now, I am not saying we are saved by our works for Him, He saved us by His Grace, I am just saying He created us to do good works for Him. He doesn't need us to complete His master plan, He can do it on His own, but He wants to use us and we must figure out what He created us to do and do that to the best of our ability.
Many people ask me about the Florida Baptist Children's Homes, and how they can help there. They feel called to volunteer or give, but are unsure of the needs. Well my main question is always, what are you good at? What do you love to do? Once you figure that out, then you can do that to help. These children do not have the luxury of having parents around to teach them life skills, sports, dancing, or baking, so that is where we can use you.
God created you with a gifting no matter what it might be, and He wants you to use it Yesterday, Today, and Always. Sit down and write a list of things you love to do, and then to the right of that list write a list of people you can help. Match up your to lists and get started. You will be amazed at the good work you can do, and God will be Glorified through you by showing off His work of Art.

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