Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Million Dollar Question.

Question, will one million dollars bring you happiness?

Before you say yes, let's really think about this, what can money actually bring? Things: Vacations, Stuff, Clothes, Cars, Houses, and more Stuff. So, if money brings things it really doesn't bring emotions. Well then do things bring happiness? Vacations are temporary and can bring temporary enjoyment, but sometimes they can be ruined and bring frustration; just think about it, a thunderstorm can ruin a day at a waterpark. Clothes are great, new clothes are even better, but if you have those days like me when nothing seems to look good or seems to tight, it can drain you of every once of happiness and self-esteem. Well, what about cars? Awe, cars.....let's just say I've had my fair share of cars...I love variety and they can get me from point A to point B, but they can also be dangerous and distracting. And in my case cause a lot of heartache. Well then there are houses. They put shelter over our heads, they can be filled with many memories, but even though a lot of memories for most of us could be good, some of us may have horrible memories. Not only that many times we are never satisfied with a house that can just put a roof over our head, it has to be the best house, we have to up the Joneses. What about just plain stuff? Stuff is fun, but stuff is also momentary. There is always something bigger and better even if you buy the biggest best thing. We keep gathering and cluttering our lives, we end up forgetting about the momentary happiness and begin pursueing the happiness that we know will come with more stuff?!
So, if money can't bring happiness, but money brings stuff, and stuff can't bring happiness that lasts, why do we keep wanting more? More money for more stuff, and we are willing to give up everything important and lasting for more. If only I had more money, so I could do more, get more, be more, and have more. Somewhere along the way we have joined the Rat race on the path to an unreachable Happiness called money. And along the way we began to idolize money and when you idolize anything you are making it a god.
"No one can serve to masters. For you will hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." Luke 16:13. SO why do we try? Back to the the million dollar question, can money bring happiness? When you make money a priority in you life you begin to serve money hoping it will give you the happiness you have been seeking, only to find money actually only brings stuff. And stuff loves to bring along friends with greed and envy.
God, however, brings life. He breaks the chains of slavery to everything holding you down and gives you a happiness called Joy! When you serve God, God will give you everything you need and more, including money, but you must first prove that He is the only Master of your life.
Question: Does God bring Happiness?
Simple....Yes! That would be eternal Joy!
"When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my father and remain in His love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!" John 15: 10-11.

1 comment:

  1. Spot on! The proof?? E! True Hollywood Story. All the stuff in the world, no happiness, no joy, no fulfillment.
