Friday, March 16, 2012

The Only Right Answer

"My advice is wholesome and good. There is nothing crooked or twisted in it." Proverbs 8:8. Everyday we have some type of decision to make; some will be simple and some that could change the course of our life forever. When the decision first comes about there is always many paths laid before us by the world, people, and ideas. All of these will try to influence our decision, but the only way to make the best choice is to look to God's word. When we look to worldly things and ungodly wisdom there is a high chance that what we hear may be crooked or twisted leading us down a road that will end in death. But when we look to God's wisdom we will be lead down a straight path that will lead to eternal life. Some may think listening to God is hard and not easy to understand, but God says, "My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those who want to learn." Proverbs 8:9.
About a month ago a teenage girl, full of fears, and desperation walked into a pregnancy care center thinking she was going to an abortion clinic. When she walked through the door the world had already influenced the decision she was planning on making. All she knew was that she already had plans to attend college, a career laid out ahead of her, no way to take care of a baby, and a family that she thought would desert her if they found out. What she didn't realize was that God had guided her to a place that she could hear His Wisdom and learn His truth and love for her and this unborn child. She didn't have to accept the Wisdom, but at least she would hear it. The counselor that met the young girl told her all of the reasons why she should keep the baby and all of the reasons an abortion is harmful to her. The young girl, now armed with Truth, walked out of the center unsure of what her decision would be. This young girl had no idea that so many people would now be lifting up prayers for her and the life changing decision she was about to have to make.
After a few weeks this young girl came back to the pregnancy care center ready to make a decision and comforted by a change of heart. Not only did she choose life for the child within her, but she sat down with her boyfriend and mother and told them about what was happening. If this teenage girl hadn't heard Godly wisdom not only would she have ended the life of the unborn child made in her as a gift from God for her or another family unable to conceive, but she would have also killed a part of her own soul.
This same scenario happens everyday in abortion clinics and pregnancy care centers. The women that go to abortion clinics get worldly advice (you will ruin your life, you can't do this on your own, think about your boyfriend, your family), but those that go to pregnancy care centers get Godly Wisdom (this baby is a gift, there are other options, adoption, we can help you).
There are many other things in your life that will bring about decisions that will have to be made: do I go to college, is God calling me to the mission field, should I adopt, can I gamble, is it okay to get drunk, can I try drugs this one time, should I get divorced, can I have an affair (my spouse will never find out) many things that you will need wisdom to decide....should I take this job, can  I afford this car, is it time to buy a house? All of these things can be influenced by worldly advice and mislead you, but Godly advice will save a life every time.
Next time you are facing a decision which could be today...first look to God's Word and seek Godly counsel. For ungodly advice is like an adulterous woman and she will seduce you with her looks and flattery and lead you to your death. "Don't let your hearts stray away toward her. Don't wander down the wayward path. For she has been the ruin of many; numerous men have been her victims. Her house is the road to the grave. Her bedroom is the den of death." Proverbs 7:25-27. Don't allow worldly advice to take you to your death. Seek out Godly wisdom and find The Only Right Answer.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, K! Our family is making many big decisions right now and I appreciate this reminder to look to God's word and Godly counsel for guidance and answers. Oh, how we pray that all of our loved ones would do the same. Blessings to you and your sweet family!
