Monday, July 2, 2012

A Summer Siesta

"Lord, your faithful love reaches to heaven, Your faithfulness to the clouds." Psalm 36:5.

Faith is truly believing, without a doubt, that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior. He came to live on this earth and be an example for us. Then Christ died on the cross to save us from our sinful selves. After 3 days Jesus rose from the grave to give each and everyone of us eternal life if we choose to believe and have faith. And in this faith we must totally trust that wherever God leads us we must follow without fear because He is with us always and will protect and provide for us at all times.

"Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.

At this season in my life God is doing a major work, honestly, another major work really. He is calling me to live out my Faith in a very visible way. He has also laid it on my heart to come up with material for some Women's Conferences that I will be doing in the Fall called "Leaving a Legacy - How to Love and Live like Christ." With work and all of this going on at the same time I'm going to have to take a Summer Siesta from my blogging. Sure I will blog here and there, but not daily or even weekly for that. I just need to Focus in on what God has called me to do at this time, I need to take some time to just sit and meditate at the feet of Jesus to hear what He has to say. I need to take some time to devote to the material for the Women's Conferences.
So as the Summer marches on I ask for you to pray with me and keep the faith because God is faithful to us and He will be with us wherever we go.

And at the end of the summer I can't wait to share with you what God is doing and if you have a group that is interested in the material He has laid on my heart to write and speak let me know, I would love to set up some more events.

Christ's Love to All and See you Soon!